Your vegetable garden doesn’t have to be simply a place to grow food to feed your body. With a little extra effort, you can intentionally design a garden that also grows plenty of beauty to feed your soul.

Tap into your creative spirit by adding simple and fun elements to showcase your garden’s beauty. 

This one hour workshop shares fresh ideas to elevate an ordinary garden to an extraordinary one with plenty of photos to get the creative juices flowing. 

Learn how to design a garden that inspires joy, tips for adding artistic touches, and favorite colorful and unique varieties to grow.

What students are saying:

“Megan presents great content that everyone in the audience can take and use right away in their gardens. I especially like how she explains how to mix vegetables and flowers together. Great ideas on displaying and growing vegetables that will give me better results and more produce. Megan had great reviews from our evaluations….everyone loved the talk!”

Linda Loker

“Megan is a wonderful speaker. She has so much energy and passion on what she speaks about. She has a ton of knowledge on gardening and has great ideas. Just wonderful!”

Mary Jo Maher

“Thank you! This was excellent! ”

Workshop Attendee

“So beautiful and encouraging! ”

Workshop Attendee

“Thanks, Megan! You are fabulous! ”

Workshop Attendee

“A thousand THANKS! Love your help. ”

Workshop Attendee


My mission in life is to help gardeners cut through the noise of all the overcomplicated gardening advice out there by keeping it simple. I offer up smart solutions that work to get you more food from all of your gardening efforts. My hunch is that you’re here because you’re not interested in bumbling your way through -- wasting time and money. I hear ya! I’m all about gardening the smart way. If you have a “get it done” attitude, a curious and independent spirit, and a willingness to experiment with new ideas we’re going to get along great!

Megan Cain

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Welcome!

    • How to use this course

  • 02

    Design Inspiration for a Creative Vegetable Garden

    • Design Inspiration Workshop

    • September Garden Tour- Focus on Flowers

  • 03

    Wrapping Things Up!

    • Let's Stay in Touch!