This winter, imagine grabbing all the ingredients you need for a meal right from your pantry, without having to go to the grocery store.

With a few simple techniques you can continue to enjoy food grown in your own garden (or purchased from the farmers market) throughout the long, cold months of winter. 

This class will teach you how to make every harvest last longer by quickly and easily preserving vegetables at the height of their season.  

You’ll love the feeling of sitting down to a meal and knowing a large part of it came from your garden! 

When you fill your pantry with produce for winter you'll:

  • Save Money

    Provide your family with healthy food very affordably. Avoid the high prices of produce at the grocery store in winter.

  • Save Time

    Go right to your basement or freezer and grab what you need for dinner instead of running to the store.

  • Know Where Your Food Comes From

    Eat healthy, chemical-free food that hasn’t traveled hundreds of miles.

Imagine having friends over for a winter brunch and popping open a jar of strawberry sauce to drizzle on pancakes. 

Picture hosting your family for a fall cookout and serving grilled pizza featuring pesto, peppers, and broccoli grabbed from your freezer. 

The food you grow during the season can be used in meals and celebrations all year long when you take the time to preserve some of it. 

Preserving food can be a beautiful and enjoyable part of the harvest season. It doesn’t have to be difficult or take up a lot of time.

A pantry stocked for winter is overflowing with benefits:

  • Security - All of the food lined up in your fridge, freezer and pantry will be comforting and help you feel prepared for the future.

  • Continue to enjoy your garden after the season is over - Savor the richness of the summer during the cold dark months of winter.

  • Share the bounty - Warm the hearts of friends and family when you share what you preserved in delicious ways like home cooked meals, holiday gifts, and special dishes.

  • Sense of accomplishment - Feel proud and excited when you crack open a jar of strawberry freezer jam in February and know that you made it yourself.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to Fill Your Pantry from Your Garden

    • Welcome!

    • Before we begin...

    • How to use this course

  • 02

    Getting Prepared for Filling Your Pantry

    • Deconstruct Your Meals

    • Simple Recordkeeping

    • What Supplies Do You Need?

    • 8 Quick Tips to Help You Get Started

  • 03

    Filling Your Pantry with Delicious Food: Late Spring/Early Summer

    • Bright and Fresh Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe

    • Preserving Summer Strawberries

    • Never Buy Kale Again From the Grocery Store

    • Keeping Yourself Healthy Over the Winter with Broccoli

    • Sowing a Fall Crop of Beets & Carrots for Winter Storage

    • Saving a Taste of Summer with Blueberries and Raspberries

  • 04

    Filling Your Pantry with Delicious Food: Summer

    • How to Harvest & Store Your Garlic for Winter

    • How to Harvest & Cure Your Onions for Storage

    • How to Preserve Your Bumper Crop of Summer Squash

    • The Best Way to Preserve Tomatoes

    • Putting Away a Bunch of Red Peppers for Winter

    • Savoring the Summer Flavors By Putting Away Corn

    • Introduction to Fermentation

    • Ideas for Preserving Fresh Herbs

    • Preserving a Taste of Summer with Beans

  • 05

    Filling Your Pantry with Delicious Food: Fall

    • How to Store Winter Squash for Many Months

    • Storing Beets in the Fridge for 6 Months...or More!

  • 06

    Seasonal Recipes for Using Your Preserved Food

    • Recipes Guides for Every Season

  • 07

    Next Steps

    • Let's Stay in Touch!

    • Before you go...

    • Congratulations!

What's included in the class:

  • Video Lessons

    Instructional videos filmed in my home garden & kitchen that take the guesswork out by walking you step-by-step through the process.

  • Quick Guides

    Printable worksheets, recipes, checklists & other supporting documents to get you excited to start taking action.

  • Super Easy Food Preserving

    Your own digital copy of my popular book, Super Easy Food Preserving.

  • Your Questions Answered

    Don't understand something or want more information? You can leave a note for me in the course and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Get started stocking your pantry for winter right away!