There's nothing like harvesting fresh veggies in the snow!

The key to having more fresh food right outside your door for more months of the year is to extend your garden season. 

And if you do it right, you can be harvesting delicious veggies for up to 10 months of the year, even if you live in a northern climate!

I live in Wisconsin, zone 5a, and every year I harvest food from my garden during most months of the year -without a heated greenhouse or any other expensive additions to my garden.

Imagine serving garden fresh produce straight from your yard for winter holiday dinners (I do it every year!).

With the right plan, you can grow and harvest cool season vegetables way past the first frosts of fall, into the darker months of winter, and then again in early spring when you start the gardening season earlier than you ever have before. 

You’ll amaze everyone you know when you’re harvesting delicious food from your yard during harsh weather, unexpected snowstorms, and unpredictable early spring weather.

Student Review

"Loved this course! Very informative and insightful. Winter is too long for me to go without gardening. Megan's advice and directions are easy to follow and feel very confident in what I learned. I can't wait to extend my growing season!"

More food right outside your door for more months of the year!

Here's what you'll learn!

  • Custom Planting Calendar

    Discover what to plant and when to plant it in your area so you can create a personalized calendar to keep you on track with planting

  • Best Vegetables & Varieties

    Easy vegetables to start with if you’re new to cold weather gardening, the best varieties (and where to get them) to increase your chances of success

  • Season Extension Techniques

    How to use row cover, low tunnels and cold frames to keep your harvests going into the coldest months of the year

  • Behind the Scenes Harvest Videos

    Filmed in my garden as the season progresses to share what I’m growing and harvesting to get you inspired about the possibilities

  • Quick Guides

    Printable worksheets, checklists & other supporting documents to get you excited to start taking action.

  • Your Questions Answered

    Don't understand something or want more information? You can leave a note for me in the course and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to Harvesting Fresh Veggies in the Snow!

    • A message from the instructor

    • Before we begin...

    • How to use this course

  • 02

    Section 1: Getting Prepared for Fall Planting

    • Why Growing a Fall Garden is SO Easy!

    • How to Calculate When Your Garden is in the Persephone Period

    • Choosing Which Vegetables to Grow & Creating Your Planting Calendar

    • 5 Easiest Vegetables to Start With

    • How to Find Space for Fall Planting & What Varieties to Plant

  • 03

    Digging Into Fall Planting

    • Using Row Cover to Help Seeds Germinate in Summer

    • How to Plant Spinach for 6 Months of Harvests

    • Which Vegetables Survive a Frost

    • When to Start Covering Vegetables with Row Cover to Extend the Harvest

  • 04

    Building & Using Low Tunnels & Cold Frames

    • How to Build a Low Tunnel Using Row Cover

    • How to Build a Cold Frame

    • How to Build a Low Tunnel with Greenhouse Plastic

    • Tips for Using Cold Frames & Low Tunnels

    • Best Techniques to Ensure a Successful Fall Garden Season

  • 05

    Fall Garden Tours!

    • Behind the Scenes Tour of Fall Garden Plantings: August

    • Behind the Scenes Tour of Fall Garden Plantings: September

    • Behind the Scenes Tour of Fall Garden Plantings: October

    • Behind the Scenes Tour of Fall Plantings: Thanksgiving Harvest

  • 06

    Late Winter/Early Spring Gardening

    • What's Happening With Your Plants in the Depths of Winter?

    • Preparing for Early Spring Planting

    • How to Prep Your Garden Soil for Early Spring Planting

    • How to Keep Your Plants Happy Under Row Cover

    • Perfect Your Timing with Recordkeeping

    • Behind the Scenes Garden Tour of Late Winter Plantings: March

  • 07

    Next steps

    • Let's Stay in Touch!

    • Before you go...

    • Congratulations!

Don't miss out on the best growing months of the year!

Sure, gardening in summer is fun, but it can also be challenging.  

It’s the season we anxiously wait for as gardeners, but it’s often filled with disappointment and heartache. 

It feels like the weather just won’t cooperate, the list of insects that attack us and our gardens is endless, and things aren’t working out the way we expected.

But, what if I told you that gardening in the colder weather months of fall and winter is a completely different experience and it’s way easier.  

Insects and diseases go into hibernation, weed growth is very slow, some frustrating vegetables (cilantro, arugula, spinach!) are much easier to grow in the cooler temperatures, and the gorgeous weather makes it a dream to work outside in your garden.

Don’t miss out on one of the best, and underutilized, seasons in the garden – the cold weather months. 

Imagine putting in way less effort for big harvests that carry you through to November and December and can last through to March and April of the next season.

Student Review

"Really happy about this class! Good explanations, examples and the extra material is also handy!"

Get Started Now!

You’re just steps away from harvesting fresh veggies in the snow! Join now and get started on your cold weather garden this season.