Master simple techniques that lead to better results than you’ve ever gotten before. Get ready for your best year yet!

I’m tired of seeing fellow gardeners invest a lot of time, energy and money into their gardens and get less than stellar results. I know firsthand that it doesn’t have to be this way. The most important thing I’ve learned over the years is this- 

When you make smart decisions throughout the season you set the foundation for success: you grow more food, spend less time on unnecessary tasks, waste less money, and create a beautiful garden.

Gardening can be lots of work, which is why it’s so important to set up a smart garden every year.

What’s a smart garden? One that delivers big results for the least amount of effort. Think lots of tasty homegrown food, with the least amount of maintenance necessary. You should have plenty of time left over to enjoy the satisfaction and beauty of your garden.

Enjoy the process.

Truly learning how to deeply enjoy gardening takes more than just reading one book or taking a class. It’s something that slowly builds week by week, and season by season as you learn new things and then apply them to your own garden.

The Success in Every Season Masterclass focuses on helping you make your garden a source of vibrant, ongoing joy and pleasure in your life.

The class saves you time by simplifying the gardening process so you can dedicate more time to the parts of gardening (and life) that you love and enjoy.

Your success is important! Success in Every Season sets you up to reap big rewards so that it feels satisfying and worthwhile.

That’s what the Master class is designed for – to help you embrace the gardening lifestyle and get more out of every minute you spend growing and enjoying your food.

What gardeners are saying:

“I love your lessons! Very simple in explanation, but very complex as far as how they stimulate my mind. After stimulation, your worksheets encourage organization which is often the step I don’t complete.”

Mary Boettcher

“Megan makes gardening easy because you walk through all the steps with an experienced gardener and teacher. All those little questions that arise can be answered. It’s like having a kind guide looking over my shoulder, encouraging and guiding me along the way. ”

Jenny Carr

“My first attempt at vegetable gardening was overwhelming. Since learning Megan’s techniques to reduce weeds and ways to make the garden more accessible, I've been able to quadruple its size. This year I planted a bench in the middle of it all so I can sit and enjoy the view!”

Abby Ross

“Smart Start provided me with the resources, direction, organization, and encouragement to succeed in my garden this year. I have a tendency to jump in and learn by doing which can be fun, but also frustrating and sometimes costly. It's a lot more fun to succeed!”

Kelli George

Winter: Smart Garden Planning

Here's a list of what we'll cover throughout the year:

  • Fresh and simple approach to planning your garden. You’ll work through your plan step-by-step, and at the end you’ll have a personalized blueprint for what a successful season in your garden looks like.

  • Designing Your Smart Garden: exercises and worksheets to help you reflect on last year’s garden and clarify your garden vision for this season, important questions to ask yourself before deciding what to grow.

  • Veggie Essentials: learn the different characteristics of vegetables so you can strategically choose which to grow – find out in which season you get a harvest, how much food you can expect to harvest from each plant, how much space the plants take up, and how many days until you’ll start harvesting food.

  • Seeds & Plants Simplified: know when to plant a seed or a plant, different kinds of seeds explained, how to choose the best varieties for your garden, recommendations for unique and colorful varieties, how to plant for beauty with flowers, and the best places and times to buy plants.

Spring: Planting, Soil Health, Creating Beauty, Growing Tips

  • The decisions you make and the actions you take in spring set the stage for the entire season.

  • You’ll learn the best time to plant each vegetable in your climate and how to prep your garden beds quickly for planting.

  • Discover smart & simple techniques for helping your plants perform their best throughout the season: benefits of mulching, how to water correctly, and using row cover to help plants grow quickly.

  • Without heathy soil your garden isn't as successful. Find out which nutrients vegetables need and how to make sure your soil is providing them.

  • We’ll also cover how to create a vegetable garden that not only produces a lot of food, but is also beautiful to look at.

  • We end the class with a few behind-the-scenes tours of what’s happening in my front yard garden.

Summer: Pests & Diseases, Harvesting, Succession Planting

  • It’s more difficult to sustain your motivation through the summer, when you start getting distracted by the season's fun activities. I’ll guide you through the tasks that should be on your to-do list and inspire you to stay engaged and have fun while enjoying the bounty that your garden can bring you in this season.

  • The struggles with pests and diseases are one of the most common I hear from gardeners during the summer, so I've devoted an entire section to the most common pests and diseases that damage each plant family and how to combat them.

  • Learn how to harness the power of succession planting to keep the harvests going into the fall and early winter.

  • Tips for the best times to harvest vegetables and how to cure some of them for winter storage.

Fall: Ready for First Frost, Preparing for Winter

  • Once the fall arrives you shouldn't hang up your gardening gloves until you put your garden to bed for the winter. Accomplishing some important garden tasks will set you up for a less stressful spring and a more successful season the following year.

  • Be clear on how to prepare for your first frost, which vegetables will survive, and what to do to save the ones that won't.

  • Simple season extension tricks to keep the harvests going past frost.

  • Checklist and videos walking you through exactly how to put your garden to bed for the winter so you set yourself up for a successful spring the next year.


My mission in life is to help gardeners cut through the noise of all the overcomplicated gardening advice out there by keeping it simple. I offer up smart solutions that work to get you more food from all of your gardening efforts. My hunch is that you’re here because you’re not interested in bumbling your way through -- wasting time and money. I hear ya! I’m all about gardening the smart way. If you have a “get it done” attitude, a curious and independent spirit, and a willingness to experiment with new ideas we’re going to get along great!

Megan Cain

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Welcome!

    • Before we begin...

    • How I Became a Gardener

    • How to use this course

    • Book a Coaching Session!

  • 02

    WINTER: Design Your Smart Garden

    • Smart Start Garden Planner Book

    • Why You Need a Garden Plan

    • Reflecting on Last Year's Garden

    • Garden and Life Vision

    • Choosing What You Want to Grow

    • Top 3 Seed Catalogs

  • 03

    WINTER: Getting to Know the Different Characteristics of Vegetables

    • In What Season Will You Get the Harvest?

    • How Much Food Will You Harvest From Each Plant?

    • How Big Do the Plants Grow?

    • How Many Days Until You Get a Harvest?

    • Bringing It All Together

  • 04

    WINTER: Seeds & Plants Simplified

    • When to Plant a Seed or Plant

    • Understanding Different Types of Seeds

    • Tips for Reading the Seed Catalogs

    • Unique & Colorful Varieties to Grow

    • How to Narrow Down Your Seed Order

    • Additional Garden Planning Resources

    • Winter Wrap-Up

  • 05

    SPRING: Getting Ready to Plant

    • Create Your Spring Planting Schedule

    • Understanding Cool & Warm Season Vegetables

    • Know When to Sow a Seed or a Plant

    • Best Places To Buy Seeds & Plants

    • How to Choose the Best Varieties for Your Garden

    • Why You Need a Permanent Garden Design

    • How to make easy raised beds for your vegetable garden

    • Keeping Records Makes You a Better Gardener

  • 06

    SPRING: Time to Plant - Timing, Spacing & Selection

    • How to Prep Your Garden Beds for Planting

    • How to Decide What to Plant Where

    • Spacing Guide for Plants + Seeds

    • How to Rotate Your Vegetables to Create Healthy Soil

    • What Mulch to Use & How to Apply It

    • How Much and When to Water Your Garden

    • Using Row Cover in Spring to Protect Your Plants

  • 07

    SPRING: Building Healthy Soil

    • Building Blocks of Soil + What Plants Need

    • What You Should Use to Fertilize Your Garden

    • Ways to Build Soil Fertility

    • Things Not to Do to Your Soil

  • 08

    SPRING: Tips & Techniques for Growing Specific Vegetables

    • Growing Perennial Foods: Asparagus & Rhubarb

    • Growing Perennial Foods: Strawberries & Raspberries

    • Growing Perennial Foods: Blueberries

    • Tips for Growing Fruit Trees

    • Growing Great Onions

    • How to Grow Cilantro All Season Long

    • Tips for Growing Carrots Successfully

  • 09

    SPRING: How to Make Your Garden More Beautiful

    • Designing Your Garden + Ideas for Adding Flowers

    • Using Annual Flowers to Add Color

    • Creative Planting Ideas

    • Grow Up With Trellises

    • Mix It Up By Adding Subtle Color

    • September Garden Tour- Focus on Flowers

  • 10

    SPRING: Behind the Scenes Tours of My Garden

    • Garden Tour: April

    • Garden Tour: May

    • Garden Tour: May

    • Garden Tour: May

    • Garden Tour: June

    • Spring Wrap-Up

  • 11

    SUMMER: Pests & Diseases

    • Pests & Diseases: Brassicas

    • Pests & Diseases: Squash Family

    • Pests & Diseases: Tomatoes I

    • Pests & Diseases: Tomato Family II

    • Pests & Diseases: Rabbits, Japanese Beetles & Slugs

    • How to Keep Critters Out of Your Garden

    • Tips for Reducing Pests & Diseases

  • 12

    SUMMER: Tips & Techniques

    • Summer Succession Planting

    • How to Prune Your Tomato Plants

    • What Are Garlic Scapes + How to Harvest Them

    • How to Harvest and Cure Your Onions

    • How to Harvest & Cure Garlic

    • What to Do If You're Brussels Sprouts Aren't Growing

  • 13

    SUMMER: Behind the Scenes Tours of My Garden

    • July Garden Tour

    • August Garden Tour

    • Summer Wrap-Up

  • 14

    FALL: Preparing the Garden for Winter

    • Which Vegetables Survive a Frost

    • Preparing for your First Frost

    • Fall Weeding, Mulching, Bulb Planting & Taking Notes

    • Preparing the Rest of Your Landscape for Winter

    • Harvesting Fall Beets

    • Using Row Cover to Extend the Season

    • How to Build a Low Tunnel

    • How to Plant Garlic

  • 15

    FALL: Behind the Scenes Tours of My Garden

    • Tour of Fall Plantings: September

    • Tour of Fall Plantings: October

    • Fall Wrap-Up

  • 16

    Wrapping Things Up!

    • Let's Stay in Touch!

    • Before you go...

    • Congratulations!

Here's what included!

  • Video Lessons

    Instructional videos filmed in my home garden & kitchen that take the guesswork out by walking you step-by-step through the process.

  • Quick Guides

    Printable worksheets, recipes, checklists & other supporting documents to get you excited to start taking action.

  • Smart Start Garden Planner

    Your own digital copy of my popular book, Smart Start Garden Planner.

  • Input on New Lessons

    I'll be adding one new lesson per month, chosen by you!

  • Monthly Email

    I'll check in with you once a month to keep you on track, highlight the skills you should focus on and share my favorite tips.

  • Your Questions Answered

    Don't understand something or want more information? You can leave a note for me in the course and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Are you ready to have more fun and get better results from your garden this year?

This course is for you if:

  • You want to tap into the daily excitement that gardening can bring to your life.
  • You want to make the most of the gardening space you already have by growing as much food as possible.
  • You’ve been experiencing failures in the garden and you’re ready to learn what you’re doing wrong.
  • You’re tired of putting more energy and money into your garden than you’re getting out of it.
  • The hit and miss approach isn’t working for you any more.  You want real results and satisfaction from your gardening efforts.
  • You’re looking for down-to-earth, actionable advice you can use in your garden right away.
  • You love the idea of having a successful garden that feeds healthy food to you and your family.
  • You’re looking for a fresh and simple approach to gardening you can use over and over again each year.
  • You’re looking for encouragement and inspiration to try new vegetables and new ideas - you want to shake things up.
  • You're ready to take action to have your best season yet!